Christian Education
Upcoming Christian Education Fundraisers, Activities, and Events
Covenant's Youth Go Bowling!
Both Covenant Kids and Covenant Crew will enjoy a fun afternoon of bowling on Sunday, February 16th. Following Youth Choir rehearsal, all students are invited to join the fun at Valley Lanes in Carbondale. Please see Mrs. Carr for more details.
Covenant Crew will have usher training on Sunday, February 23rd after fellowship.
Christian Education Opportunities at Covenant
Covenant Kids and Covenant Crew will have a fun afternoon of BOWLING on Sunday, February 16th. See Mrs. Carr for details.
COVENANT CREW (youth group for 5th-12th graders) meets on January 19th after Youth Choir rehearsal. This important gathering includes instruction and training for Acolytes and Youth Ushers. Please be sure to attend!
Christian Education at Covenant Presbyterian Church, Scranton
Children's Sunday School
All children's Sunday School Classes begin at 9:30 AM in the third floor Christian Education rooms:
Early Christian Education includes K-2nd grade, and Older Christian Education for grades 2 to 4.
Adult Sunday School
Adult Education class begins at 9:30 A.M. on Sunday mornings in the Covenant Room.
Youth Group
Two groups for Covenant's Youth: one for preschool to 4th grade, and one for those in 5th through 12th grades. Each provides age-appropriate lessons, activities, and events.
Students are in for some exciting programs this year!
Godly Play
All children are invited to Godly Play ~ a kids' program that takes place during the worship service on Sundays. Children make meaning of Old and New Testament stories through wonder, crafts, and play that will nurture their spiritual lives. The students will leave after the Children’s Message, year-round.
Weekly Bible Studies
The Breaking Bread Bible Study meets and breaks bread with friends on Tuesdays at 11:30 A.M. in the Covenant Room, starting September 10, 2024.
Monday School meets in the Covenant House at 5:30 P.M. on Monday evenings, beginning on September 16, 2024. Light refreshments are provided
Adult Bible Study
A new Adult Bible Study will take place Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM via Zoom or in person at the Covenant House, beginning September 18, 2024.
Please call the church office at 570-346-6400 to register or for more information.
For more information on any of Covenant's Christian Education opportunities, please contact
Lee Carr, Director of Christian Education at 570-346-6400 or 570-241-3366.