Covenant Public Concerts

About the Covenant Public Concert Series

Sixteen years ago, a few of Covenant Presbyterian Church’s staff and musically-supportive members and friends began working on a concept of presenting a series of concerts to be offered free to the public and in support of the Food Pantry at Safety Net (housed in the church building). Their consistent planning was successful in creating the Covenant Public Concert series. 

The inaugural season of Covenant Public Concerts in 2008-09 was funded by a grant from the church, as well as financial support solicited by volunteers from individuals and fundraisers. Because of its commitment to this concept, the committee successfully secured grants each year and maintained the ability to continue the Covenant Public Concert series. Though music leadership has changed within Covenant Presbyterian Church over the last sixteen years, it maintains the initial dedication to providing high quality arts and cultural programs, free of charge, for people of all ages throughout the greater Scranton area.

Welcome to the Covenant Public Concert series!

We thank you for your continued support and warm reception of these complimentary musical presentations.

Donations may be made payable to Covenant Presbyterian Church (indicate Public Concerts) and mailed to 816 Olive Street, Scranton PA 18510

or click on the Give button at the bottom of this page, and select Concert Series. Thank you!

All donations will be recognized in the concert programs, pending date of receipt.

Our Next Free Concert

Concert Series 2024 Brochure

2024 Brochure Final.pdf